My Shopping Bag


"He secretly planned to have the ring hidden at the end of escape room..."

I was so caught up in the game that I didn't even realise what was going on until I saw him on one knee!
By Melissa Ban
2 min read

💞How and where did you first meet? And how long have you been together?

We first met working on the same project and been together for a few years now.

📅And how did you propose?

Tom planned a day around my Birthday and knowing how much I love escape rooms, he secretly planned to have the ring hidden at the end of one. I was so caught up in the game that I didn't even realise what was going on until I saw him on one knee!

😎What was your inspiration behind the design, why choose the styles?

Era is a British Indian and so I wanted something that would provide a link back to her heritage. Gemstones each have a particular meaning and purpose in Indian culture, with Sapphire also being the Gem in my Mother's engagement ring.

💍How did you find the bespoke process and our services?

Holts and Sofia in particular were so helpful. I came in with some idea of what I wanted, but not much. Sofia was so patient, taking me step by step through the process and working so hard to find the right Sapphire and Diamonds. Sofia was able to create the visualisation in my head as to how the ring design, stone shapes and cuts would all compliment each other and when it all came together, I wasn't disappointed! An amazing ring!

👀What was your favourite part of the process?

Definitely seeing the ring for the first time! I was honestly stunned, with a bespoke service, you never see the final ring until it all comes together. It was amazing to see it for the first time and then do it all again as Era got to see it for the first time as well. It really is a beautiful ring.

🤔What would be your one piece of advice for couples looking for an engagement ring?

Take your time, don't go for the first thing you see and definitely get in touch with Holts!


What next?

If you’re feeling inspired to choose and create the engagement ring that best suits your style, we’re just waiting to hear from you. Get in touch to create something that’s truly ‘you’.

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