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Should I still propose during lockdown?

Love, it conquers all and no amount of doom or gloom can keep any of us from delighting in those perfect little celebrations of love, all those moments that continue to deliver joy and sparkle to so many of us throughout these uncertain times...
By Melissa Ban
3 min read
Should I still propose during lockdown? - Holts Gems

Time & The Simple Joys In Life

Yes, the world looks a little different right now and the weight of it, a little heavy on our shoulders. Desperate to spend unrestricted time with friends and family, hug them a little tighter, laugh with them a little harder and stay with them a little longer. However...there is light at the end of the tunnel and, as the old saying goes “After every storm, comes a rainbow”.

Why? Because, that four letter word of course, L. O. V. E.💕

Love, it conquers all and no amount of doom or gloom can keep any of us from delighting in those perfect little celebrations of love, all those moments that continue to deliver joy and sparkle to so many of us throughout these uncertain times.

We couldn’t think of a more perfect time to make a stand for your love by proposing to your cherished ones. During these times we are all desperately clinging on to any moments of joy we can find, sharing it, saving it, passing it forward and now when both creativity and the quest for joyfulness are at their peak - what better occasion could there be to pop ‘that oh so special’ question?

Yes, it can at first seem disappointing that those plans, that perfect scenario you’d spent years playing out repeatedly in your head, can no longer materialise, ‘that’ restaurant is closed, the flash mob is against government guidelines, the festival cancelled and your officer and a gentleman moment is on pause whilst working from home is here to stay.

Recently there’s been national rejoice in two factors; ‘the gift of time’, time at home to make precious memories with our loved ones and the reminder of all the many joys in ‘the simple things in life’, a walk outside, a bubble bath, nature and homemade food shared with nearest and dearest.

So with just a little creativity, a Holt's box to hand - or pocket, and one or two of those simple joys inbound, you can blend your proposal into a seamless and treasured celebration of the most wonderful things in life. Strip back the big fancy gestures and instead showcase your truest feelings in the most natural of scenarios - trust us, when your loved ones see that ring for the first time, all noise will fade; after all isn’t that what it’s all about - to love and be loved.

“It was sad not being able to see family in person for over three months after getting engaged and to celebrate properly with them but also so nice having something happy going on during this time. They all loved having such happy news to focus on instead. It was frustrating to begin with because we couldn't go and see venues, we wanted to view venues abroad which we couldn’t do - leading to our decision to get married in the UK. But it’s been so nice to start planning, it has given us something to do during lockdown and is keeping us very busy.”

Sinead & Adam - Scotland - Engaged 30.03.20

Whether your proposal is in the temporary form of a Haribo, hula hoop or takes place on the beach, atop a hill, on a walk in the woods or at the dining table, whether it’s hidden inside the fluffy interior of your favourite local bakeries chocolate brownies or within a cheeky chinese’s fortune cookie.

Get engaged in time to make your family’s festive season, let us work with you to deliver an injection of sparkle into everyone’s Christmas this year - all whilst you remain home and stay safe.


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